
The Department of Information Engineering (DINFO), one of the 24 departments of the University of Florence, is the reference Department for ICT (Information and Communications Technology), where it carries out advanced research in control systems, computer science and engineering, electronics systems, electromagnetism, telecommunications, operation research, bioengineering and electrical engineering.

Traditional and advanced researches, designs and implementations are digital signal processing, fixed and wireless telecommunications systems, radar, sensors and electronic devices, advanced software, ultrasound systems, satellite telecommunication/localization/sensing, media content processing and interpretation, decision support , security and protection of information and telematics, ICT for eHealth systems and electrical networks effciency.

DINFO is member of several inter-university centres and consortia, among which CNIT (National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications), MECSA (Microwave Engineering Centre for Space Applications), MIDRA (Multidisciplinary Institute for Development Research and Applications) and TICOM (Consortium for Technologies of Information and Telecommunications), which play an important role in the national high-level scientific cooperation between universities and industries.

DINFO also includes MICC (Media Integration and Communication Centre), a centre of excellence established by the Ministry of University and Research in 2001.

DINFO employs a workforce of more than 210 units (including professors, researchers, technical and administrative people, post-doc fellows and PhD students) with success in the acquisition of important public and private research funding. DINFO is in charge of two first-level three-year degree courses (Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications, Computer Engineering), five Master-of-Science two-year courses (Biomedical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electrical and Automation Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering) and a PhD course in Information Engineering for a total of about 1,400 students.

The main public research funding comes from European Community, the European Space Agency, the Ministry of University and Research, national research programs and the Tuscany Region. More than a quarter of the research budget of the DINFO comes from contracts with private companies that generate a fruitful technological transfer to industry.

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