Bioimaging and Modelling Laboratory

The Bioimaging and Modeling Laboratory focus on research, teaching and technology transfer in the field of Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering, fostering collaborations with industrial, academic and healthcare institutions. Research field includes all techniques and devices for the generation, processing, and visualization of biomedical images, as well as the related software applications, and the numerical modeling of physiological processes and signals by traditional and neural approaches. Research aim is to provide the foundation for development of clinical decision support systems, as well as the development of innovative tool for supporting the healthcare professionals during their work, as, for instance, the utilization of Augmented Reality techniques for improving interaction of the user with medical images and signals. The lab is also linked with the Eidolab Joint Laboratory, involving the Department of Information Engineering, the Department of Clinical and Experimental Biomedical Sciences “Mario Serio”, and Imaginalis Srl. An updated list of our activities, research, news and publications is available on our web site.


Associate Professors: Leonardo Bocchi

PHD Students: Eleonora Barcali, Cosimo Aliani, Sara Lombardi

Research Fellows: Alberto Morelli


Leonardo Bocchi



School of Engineering
Via di Santa Marta 3
50139 Firenze
ph. +39 055 275 8604

Web site



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