PIERO TORTOLI received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering in 1978 from the University of Florence. Since then he has worked at the same University as assistant, associate, full professor, and finally professor hemeritus of Electronics. He was Coordinator of the Bachelor Degree in Electronics Engineering and didactic manager for the Master degree in Electronic Engineering, Vice-Dean of the School of Engineering, and Chair of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications from 2010 to 2012. In the years 2016-2020, he has been a member of the Academic Senate of the University of Florence.
Piero’s main interests are in the area of signal processing systems and devices with application to biomedical instrumentation. He is involved in research on ultrasonics with emphasis on imaging and Doppler techniques. In this field, he was Principal Investigator for several research grants and supervisor of over 30 PhD students.
Professor Tortoli is a Fellow member of the IEEE and the AIMBE Societies, “Docteur Honoris causa” of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, and Honorary Member of the Polish Ultrasound Society. He has published over 300 scientific papers (H-index: 36). He has served on the Editorial Board of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, Applied Sciences and Archives of Acoustics, was Guest Editor for 3 Special Issues and Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on UFFC and Applied Sciences. He has been member of the scientific steering committees of several international conferences, including the Technical Program Committee for the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium. Piero was Chairman of the 22nd International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging (Florence, 1995), and co-Chairman of the ICB Seminar on Ultrasound in Biomeasurements, Diagnostics and Therapy (Warsaw, 1998). He also successfully organized the 12th edition of the New England Doppler Conference (2003), and the 2011, 2017, and 2023 editions of the Artimino Conference on Medical Ultrasound technology.
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