
Conference Locations

FEM 2016 is a three days event taking place in the heart of the Historical center of Florence.


May 16th 2016 - 16:30 - Opening

Opening will take place at the Aula Magna of the Rectorate of the University of Florence, Piazza S. Marco 4, 600 meters from the duomo and the main conference location.

After the official opening, invited speechs given by Prof. J. Webb and J. Volakis will make the point on Finite Elements development in these last 47 years.

A welcome drink will follow the opening.

Rettorato Aula Magna
The rectorate, in S. Marco Square The Aula Magna of the Rectorate



May 17th - 8:00-18:00 - Tecnical Sessions

Technical session will take place at the "Centro Arte e Cultura", the conference center of the "Opera del Duomo", the association taking care of the duomo of florence.

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Centro Arte e Cultura Yard

Centro Arte e Cultura
Main conference room

Social Dinner (20:00) will end the day, at Palazzo Borghese, one of the preeminent neoclassical palace in Florence.

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Engraving (1827) of the façade
of Palazzo Borghese
Palazzo Borgese
Entrance, present
The Mirrors room of
Palazzo Borghese


May 18th - 8:00-13:00 - Tecnical Sessions

Technical session will take place at the "Centro Arte e Cultura", the conference center of the "Opera del Duomo", the association taking care of the duomo of florence.


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