Peter P. Silvester |
The series dates back to 1992. The first workshop was entitled Il Metodo degli Elementi Finiti nelle Applicazioni dell'Elettromagnetismo (National Workshop on Finite Elements in Electromagnetic Wave Problems), and was held in San Miniato (Pisa, Italy), May 26-27, 1992. The workshop originated from an idea of Peter P. Silvester (McGill University, Montreal, Ca-nada). The second workshop, held in Siena (Italy, May 24-26, 1994), was already international and titled "International Work-shop on Finite Elements in Electromagnetic Wave Problems."
This highly-focused bi-ennial workshop has continuously provided an ideal meeting place for researchers and practitioners active in the theory and application of the Finite-Element Method in RF and microwave engineering. The tradition of this workshop is to move around the world. The third workshop, scheduled for July 9-11, 1996 in Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada) was cancelled at the last minute because of the deteriorating health condition of Peter Silvester. The subsequent editions were held at:
Chios Edition Poster |
The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine has often published reports on the workshop activities that are available on IEEExplore, the latest – relative to the Florence edition – appeared in the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 58(5), pp. 13-14, Oct. 2016. For most edition, selected papers were published in special issues of several international journals. For example, for the Colorado edition (2012), selected papers were published in a special issue of Electromagnetics, vol. 34, 2014, while for florence edition a full book of proceedings with the History of the Workshop was published
Cartagena in September is particularly charming and the workshop will be held Jointly with ICEAA, to attract an even broader audience!